Jointly Funded by the European Union – Projects

The project is implemented under the Agreement, within the 2020-2030 Economic Transformation and Competitiveness Development Program, Progress Measure No. 05-001-01-11-04, “Implementation of Measures to Promote Export Competitiveness Growth” in the activity “Promotion of Certification and Presentation of High Value-Added Products and Services by SMEs in Foreign Markets (Capital Region).”

The total project value is EUR 135,621.00, with allocated funding of EUR 67,810.50, financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The project implementation period is from 2024-04-22 to 2026-04-30.

Project goal: To enhance the competitiveness and internationalization of BATTEC, UAB.

BATTEC, UAB will participate in international exhibitions, presenting the company and its manufactured products. The project activities are aimed at promoting the export of BATTEC, UAB’s high value-added (HVA) products, exploring new export markets, expanding existing ones, and increasing the company’s competitiveness.